Video Resources

“Kati Horna y sus exilios fotográficos.” Guest lecture delivered as part of the seminar Cultura, Arte y Género, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC (Madrid, Spain), February 14, 2023. (In Spanish)

A videoblog about Kati Horna’ s photomontage Subida a la catedral (1938) for the Reina Sofia Museum’s online portal “Frente y retaguardia: mujeres en la Guerra Civil,” launched in March 2021 in commemoration of International Women’s Day (In Spanish)

“Canaima Recreated: Photography, Timelessness, and the Economic Conquest of the Venezuelan South—Or, The Splendid Photobook That Never Was.” Presented at Realisms: Politics, Art, and Visual Culture in the Americas, Institute of Fine Arts (New York, USA), April 30, 2016. Presentation starts at 52:56. (In English)

CUNY TV’s show Nueva York - A look into “Told and Untold: The Photostories of Kati Horna in the Illustrated Press” at Americas Society, featuring the artist’s daughter, Norah Horna Fernández, and the exhibition curators, Christina de León and Michel Otayek. First aired November 24, 2016. (In Spanish with English subtitles)